Project Manager

Harman Gill

Harman Gill

Harman brings an exceptionally high level of professionalism to her role as Project Manager. With a degree in Civil Engineering from India topped off with a Project Management graduate diploma from MIT Auckland, Harman’s background helps her to hone in on issues quickly and solve them successfully.

Harman is particularly skilled in project and contract management, where her attention to detail ensures nothing gets overlooked and communications are prompt and clear. She approaches her work with a problem-solving mindset, acting in any role required to support the broader team and keep the project wheels turning.

A true team player, Harman develops strong working relationships with clients, designers, site managers, sub-contractors, suppliers and the public. Her helpful approach, broad knowledge and watertight organisational skills make her an essential contributor to any project.


Qualifications and Memberships

  • Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering
  • Graduate Diploma in Project Management
  • Site Safe License
  • Green Star Practitioner